
Environmental Site Assessments

Site Assessment

We utilize currently accepted methodologies endorsed by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, the California Native Plant Society, and the United States Fish and Wildlife Service to identify the presence of sensitive species for ease through the permitting process. Focus usually includes botanical surveys for state and federally listed species, candidate species, and species of special concern. We complete impact assessments and then design species-specific mitigation plans to address those impacts.


Botanical Assessment

ECI conducts surveys and habitat assessments to assist clients in meeting federal, state and local environmental guidelines. We use standard methodologies to gather information including grid surveys, point-quarter and random transect analysis of populations and multivariate community analysis. We assess project impacts and propose mitigation measures to mitigate for project impacts on native species and habitat.


Biological Survey

ECI biologist are certified to ensure project sites meet the Endangered Species Act and special-status species compliance. ECI is trained and experienced in conducting amphibian surveys using state and federal agency protocols. ECI performs biological monitoring with certified Wildlife Biologists or a US Fish and Wildlife approved Wildlife Biologists.


Certified Arborist Reporting 

Our arborist reports document the condition of the tree, note issues, damage or areas of concern, and provides information about the cause of issues including site conditions, pest or disease threats, or mechanical injury. These are typically performed before during and after large construction projects to ensure older healthy trees survive and thrive after the construction project finishes.


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